Civil Procedure: Recoveries and Debt Collection


"Civil Procedure: Recoveries and Debt Collection" is an essential course for anyone involved in the legal and financial sectors, particularly those focused on debt recovery in South Africa. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the debt collection process, including the legal frameworks governing civil procedures, pre-litigation steps, litigation processes, and post-judgment actions such as attachment and execution. It also covers the roles and responsibilities of debt collectors, the application of technology in debt recovery, and the importance of ethics and professionalism. Designed with practical insights and real-world applications, this course is ideal for paralegals, legal secretaries, and professionals involved in debt recovery. Equip yourself with the tools to navigate the complexities of debt collection—enrol today and enhance your expertise in civil procedure!


What you will learn:

At the end of this course, the learner should be able to:


  • Define the concept of debt and identify the legal implications of being in debt.
  • Discuss the key provisions of the National Credit Act and the Consumer Protection Act.
  • Identify the stages of civil procedure and discuss the importance of jurisdiction and cause of action.
  • Outline the consultation and instruction-taking phase in pre-litigation, and explain the preparation of demands.
  • Contrast application and action proceedings in civil litigation.
  • Discuss the significance of judgments, including the calculation of interest and costs.
  • Explain the appeal and review processes in the context of civil judgments.
  • Describe the process of attachment and execution, including the different phases of execution.
  • Differentiate between the roles of debt collectors and attorneys and outline the Debt Collectors Act.
  • Discuss the importance of sound administrative practices and the use of technology in debt collection.
  • Define legal ethics and discuss the importance of professionalism and duty of care in debt collection.


Course Content:


Part 1: A General Overview of Debt in the South African Context

Unit 1: Introduction to debt

Unit 2: The National Credit Act: Debt and consumer rights

Unit 3: The Consumer Protection Act and consumer rights

Part 2: Civil Procedure as a Means of Recovering Debt

Unit 4: General overview of civil procedure

Unit 5: Pre-litigation

Unit 6: Corporate strategies

Unit 7: Judgment

Unit 8: Appeals and review

Unit 9: Attachment and execution

Part 3: Additional Considerations

Unit 10: Debt collectors

Unit 11: Administration and technology

Unit 12: Ethics and professional responsibility


Note: The e-course book for this course is “Civil Procedure: Recoveries and Debt Collection” published by Edge Learning Media, 978-1-4327-0365-3.


Who Should Attend:

  • Paralegals and legal secretaries involved in debt collection.
  • Financial professionals and debt recovery agents.
  • Legal practitioners specialising in civil procedure and debt recovery.


Entry Requirements:

There are no entry requirements for this course.


Course Structure:

This course is only available in an online learning format. The course includes learning activities, videos and quizzes.



Learners will need to complete the online quiz for this course.



This course is not accredited. This course is pitched at NQF Level 5.



 A Certificate of Successful Completion will be issued upon completion of the course.



Total Duration: 50 hours / 1 - 2 weeks per unit
Course Access: 24 weeks in total / 6 months